“Science Discerns the Laws of Nature · Industry Applies Them to the Needs of Man”
These words feature prominently on the ceiling rotunda as you enter the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry (if you have not been, go the next time you are in Chicago).
My passion lies at this intersection.
A career spanning both academia (discerning the laws of nature) and industry (product applied to the needs of man), where I have learned that my most rewarding and passionate work has been in the exploration, translation, and application of scientific insights to developing solutions that help people be their best. That is, the intersection between exploring the underpinnings that describe human performance in sport AND dissecting problems, translating insights, and applying solutions to the needs of athletes, or anybody with the desire to be better.
There are companies, especially small to medium size companies (but large companies as well), that may lack the resources, time, and expertise to deeply explore and translate sport science insights and principles to innovative solutions for their consumers. The resulting solutions are, therefore, (sometimes) based on fragile science or the concepts are “over-extended” to inappropriate contexts or situations. In addition, pressure from tight product development cycles and the desire for rapidly delivering new “innovations”; companies can hurry to solutions before they really, truly understand the problem facing their consumer. More common, pre-conceived solutions that are already in development are “forced” into the problem to be solved. As an example, in the current wearable sensor market, most problems seem to be solved with a heart rate monitor. Just because it can be easily measured, does not mean that it is the right tool for the problem at hand.
Academic scientists, on the other hand, explore the cutting edge of scientific knowledge; underlying principles, theories, and robust models of human performance and health outcomes. This is their passion and their job; the pursuit of knowledge and subsequent dissemination of that knowledge through publications, presentations, etc. Academic scientists, for the most part, are not tasked with nor do they have the resources, time, and incentive to translate or apply their knowledge into solutions for a market. Especially, to translate their knowledge to innovations or services that could impact tens of thousands, or millions of consumers.
Of course, this is not a hard and fast rule. There are organizations (of all sizes) exploring authentic scientific insights and developing impactful solutions AND there are academic scientists applying their knowledge to solutions for consumers.
I created W124° with the goal of helping organizations, whether academic or industry, to explore, translate, and apply scientific insights leading to solutions for health and human performance. To focus on the intersection of cutting edge knowledge and creative problem solving, with scientific integrity at the core. The value of W124° is in understanding what it takes for the highest quality science AND what is necessary to translate scientific insights to solutions that make people better. From dissecting and understanding the problem facing the consumer, W124° will help organizations define appropriate solutions in the appropriate context. Then together we will explore, translate, and apply the scientific insights to help your consumers reach their potential.
I look forward to engaging with organizations that want to explore the edge of what is possible, pushing the limits of human performance.
Hi Brad,
It is good to see you are giving life 110%.
I still remember playing Basketball and running track with you at Etna.
Looking forward to seeing
The amazing results from your new endeavor.
I still workout daily and thoughly enjoy every minute of it. Once an athlete always an Athlete!
Tom Blotzke (T.J.)
Great to hear from you T.J.
Thank you for the words of encouragement, I am excited about this next chapter.